Microsoft showed Windows 10 Teaser of the New Design

Top-manager of Microsoft's Panos Panay released the Windows operating system teaser of the new design 10. Roller prepared in honour of overcoming the mark of one billion active devices on this OS.
- At a time when most of our work and communication mediated by devices, Windows can give one billion people to stay in touch with those who are dear to them - wrote the developer “Instagram ".
The video shows the evolution of Windows 10. In it you can see the features already present: a white theme and the new icons of office suite, as well as the next, including a new "Start" menu and "Explore". When the presentation of the new interface, a top manager preferred to keep secret.
Windows 10 updates are released several times a year, whereas in earlier versions of the OSes they came out every three years. Previous update to Windows 10, by the way, was not very successful. After the automatic installation of users around the world have complained of a failure in the system and the blue screen death.

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